Tuesday 12 June 2012

Relapse vs. Recovery

Since leaving rehab, Eminem has released two new studio releases, 2009's Relapse and 2010's Recovery. Both recieved great media attention - from fans, longing for the return of everyone's favourite foul-mouthed lyricist, and the media, awaiting dozens of new potential stories about arguably the most controversial celebrity of the past decade. Doubtless, most people were happy with Slim Shady releasing two 70+ minute albums in one year.
What was interesting was the massive difference between the two albums, despite being recorded roughly around the same time. But which was better? Here's my opinion.

Relapse wins this hands down. The album is almost entirely produced by Dr. Dre, who in my opinion created some of his best beats to date for the album. From bouncing, West Coast beats on 'My Mom' and 'Crack a Bottle', to the tense horror movie style on 'Stay Wide Awake' and 'Underground', Relapse had me hooked before I even heard the lyrics.
Recovery isn't a complete misfire - it has some decent beats, but most of them pale in comparison to Relapse.

This is where it gets difficult. Recovery is Eminem's most personal album, but sometimes goes too far and makes the album become dull. Relapse is almost the complete opposite, with Eminem letting his Slim Shady alter ego roam free. Personally this is the Eminem I prefer, but Relapse is a far cry from The Slim Shady LP in terms of lyrical skill. However, since Em's performances on 'Underground', 'Stay Wide Awake' and 'Same Song and Dance' blow Recovery out of the water, my vote on this one goes to Relapse. A lot of people may disagree, but that's just my opinion.

Rapping Technique:
Finally, a win for Recovery! Eminem's rapping technique is better than ever on the album - listen to 'No Love' if you disagree. Relapse has some of Em's finest raps too, but where it comes to flow, Recovery wins easily.

As you may have guessed, I personally prefer Relapse. The dark, twisted vibe reminds me of the Eminem of old, and none of the tracks bore me to tears like some from Recovery.

But what do you think? Leave your comment below if you want to.

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